5 Best Triceps Workouts For Men

1.EZ-Bar Skullcrusher

This basic exercise solicits and develops the triceps at the back of the arm. The front bar is one of the best bodybuilding exercises to gain volume to the triceps ...

2.Barbell Triceps Extension
Lower forearm behind upper arm with elbows remaining overhead. Extend forearm overhead. Lower and repeat.

3.Tricep Dumbbell Kickback
Kneel over bench with arm supporting body. Grasp dumbbell. Position upper arm parallel to floor.

4.Parallel Bar Dip
Keep your body as upright as possible don't lean forward. Also, try to keep your elbows from flaring out as you do the move.

5.Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Lie on bench and grasp barbell from rack with shoulder width grip.
Lower weight to chest with elbows close to body. Push barbell back up until arms are straight. Repeat.

ILH4M 22 years, is a certified fitness instructor and diet counsellor specializing in general health improvement through weight-management and effective fitness programs.