9 Best Chest Workout For Building Muscle - Best Body


9 Best Chest Workout For Building Muscle

Barbell Bench Press
Lie supine on bench. Dismount barbell from rack over upper chest using wide oblique overhand grip.
Lower weight to chest. Press bar upward until arms are extended. Repeat.

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

Sit down on bench with dumbbells resting on lower thigh. Kick weights to shoulder and lie back. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with bent arm under each dumbbell.
Press dumbbells up with elbows to sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to sides of chest until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder. Repeat.

Low-Incline Barbell Bench Press
Lie supine on incline bench. Dismount barbell from rack over upper chest using wide oblique overhand grip.
Lower weight to upper chest. Press bar until arms are extended. Repeat.

Barbell Decline Bench Press
Lie supine on decline bench with feet under leg brace. Dismount barbell from rack over chest using wide oblique overhand grip.

Lower weight to chest. Press bar until arms are extended. Repeat.

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Sit down on incline bench with dumbbells resting on lower thigh. Kick weights to shoulders and lean back. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with upper arm under each dumbbell.

Press dumbbells up with elbows to sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to sides of upper chest until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder. Repeat

Dips For Chest

Mount wide dip bar with oblique grip (bar diagonal under palm), arms straight with shoulders above hands. Bend knees and hips slightly.
Lower body by bending arms, allowing elbows to flare out to sides. When slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulders, push body up until arms are straight. Repeat.

Incline Bench Cable Fly
Lower stirrups outward to sides of shoulders. Keep elbows fixed in slightly bent position. When a stretch is felt in chest or shoulders, bring stirrups back together in hugging motion above upper chest until stirrups are nearly together. Repeat.

Incline Dumbbell Pull-Over
Keeping elbows slightly bent throughout movement, lower dumbbell over and beyond head until upper arms are in-line with torso. Pull dumbbell up and over chest. Repeat.

Pec-Deck Machine
Sit on machine with back on pad. If available, push foot lever until padded lever moves forward. Place forearms on padded lever. Position upper arms approximately parallel. Release foot lever.
Push levers together. Return until chest muscles are stretched. Repeat.